Welcome to The Road Luxe Traveled blog!

The Road Luxe Traveled Blog, scooter.

Traveling the world in search of the finest spas and wellness centers is a journey too wonderful not to share. We hope this blog provides an entertaining look into the luxury spa and travel industry as we introduce you to all our favorite places, spaces, products, treatments, and therapies.

You can also look forward to behind-the-scene tips, secrets, and suggestions from our Editorial and Review staff as they’re on the go. As the journey is often as interesting as the destination, expect the blog to feature travel photos and humorous accounts of our adventures or our occasional misadventures.

We hope you enjoy our stories as we share the good, bad, and humorous discoveries made on The Road Luxe Traveled.

We warmly welcome your comments, suggestions, and any of your own spa adventures. Please email them to blog@luxusspas.com.


The Luxus Spas Team

View Past Entries

Whether at the spa, soaking up some sun, or getting some exercise, the importance of keeping your

Getting a luxurious spa manicure and pedicure is one of life's simplest pleasures.  That is, unti

Luxus Spas is headed to Europe this week!  While we send some of our crew to Italy and England, a

Traveling the world in search of the finest spas and wellness centers is a journey too wonderful